Single-Ply Roofs
Don't pay to replace it... if you can Re-Ply it!
1)  Prepare Surface
Pressure wash the old roof surface to eliminate loose material, repair substrate, blisters, and cracks as needed. Clean all rubber surfaces with EPDM rinseable primer.
2)  Seal Seams
Reinforce all roof, vent, duct, and flashing seams and laps with high tensile strength fabric or BBT Butyl-back tape. Saturate with ASTEC Base Sealer #2000.
3)  Prime and Seal Surface
Flow on one or two layers of ASTEC Base sealer #2000 for Rubber. This bonding sealer applies as a fluid, filling all cracks, and curing as a seamless, pliable membrane over the entire roof.
4)  Apply Core Layer
Flow on the first layer of ASTEC Re-Ply #2000 Finish Layer. It will bond with the ASTEC Re-Ply Base Sealer #2000 and provide a monolithic core base for the final surface.
5)  Apply Surface Layer
Flow on the final ASTEC Re-Ply # 2000 Finish layer. The new surface will be a seamless, titanium white ply of a highly reflective roofing that is waterproof, pliable, and virtually impervious to airborne corrosives over years of hostile environmental conditions.
This is a typical system for metal roofs. Products and procedures may vary by roof type and condition. Only ASTEC detailed specifications will be approved on any ASTEC roofing project.
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